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They did it!!!!

Magpies, Owls & Canaries classes achieved their goal of 100% attendance for week commencing 16th January, 2023. 

We are pleased to share the news that our Magpies, Owls & Canaries classes all achieved 100% attendance for the entirety of last week.  The children were given the news in assembly this morning and the three classes have now voted on their choice of rewards. 

Each class chose a movie afternoon,  and they are all invited to bring in their own treats/snacks from home to enjoy during the movie,  which they will watch all together this Friday afternoon.  

The children are also invited to come into school on Friday - 27th January wearing non-uniform. 

Thank you to all our parents for your continued support with our attendance. We currently have an overall whole school attendance level of 96.1%, which is brilliant news.