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Welcome back & Attendance news

Attendance news for the start of the new term. 

Firstly we would like to welcome back all of our pupils and families.   We are now well into our second full week of learning and the classes have had a fantastic start with their attendance levels.  Last week, by Thursday morning,  we had six of our nine classes achieve over 97% attendance.  On Tuesday 26th September, Robins, Puffins, Kingfishers, Penguins, Canaries and Owls will all be rewarded with a tasty breakfast of either pancakes or waffles. 

By Friday afternoon's registration Owls class had achieved 100% attendance for the entire week! Well done Owls. 

Owls are invited to attend school this Friday, 22nd September wearing non-uniform and by way of an extra reward the class have also voted to have a movie afternoon.   The children in owls are invited to bring in sweet/savoury snacks to enjoy during their movie time on Friday afternoon.  

All of our attendance incentives have started again and Robins class are currently at the top of our annual and termly leader boards.  Keep up the good work everyone, and remember should you ever become aware of an issue with regard to your child's attendance then please speak to a member of staff at your earliest convenience, so that we can support you.