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W/c 25.09.23 Attendance News

Robins, Puffins, Eagles & Canaries Classes all win attendance rewards.

During the week commencing 18th September, Robins, Puffins, Eagles and Canaries classes all achieved our weekly breakfast award.  They will receive their tasty breakfast of either pancakes or waffles, this coming Friday morning. 

Puffins and Canaries classes then went on to achieve over 98% attendance for the week and both classes are to be rewarded with a non-uniform day.  The children in these two classes are invited to attend school this Friday, 29th September, wearing casual clothing. 

Well done everyone, keep up the good work. 

Remember to check in each week to see whether your son/daughter's class has won any attendance rewards and watch this space for an exciting announcement which is coming very soon!!!!