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What am I going to learn in RHSE and PSHE?

Year R

  • My feelings
  • My body
  • My relationships
  • My beliefs
  • My rights and responsibilities
  • Asking for help

Pupils can identify a range of feelings and how these are expressed, including words to describe
them and simple strategies for managing feelings.
Pupils know the importance of basic personal hygiene and understand how to maintain basic personal hygiene.
Pupils understand that there are similarities and differences between everyone and can celebrate
Pupils can recognise what they like and dislike and feel empowered to make real,informed choices.
Pupils understand the concept of privacy, including the right to keep things private and the right
another person has to privacy.
Pupils can identify the special people in their lives, what makes them special and how special people care for one another.

Year 1

  • My feelings
  • My body
  • My relationships
  • My beliefs
  • My rights and responsibilities
  • Asking for help

Pupils are able to communicate about feelings, to recognise how others show feelings and know how to respond.
Pupils can correctly name the main parts of the body, including external genitalia using scientific
Pupils understand the importance of listening to other people, to play and work cooperatively including strategies to resolve simple arguments through negotiation.
Pupils can identify and respect the differences and similarities between people.
Pupils understand how some diseases are spread, including the right to be protected from diseases and the responsibility to protect others.
Pupils can identify the people who look after them, who to go to if they are worried and how to attract their attention.

Year 2

  • My feelings
  • My body
  • My relationships
  • My beliefs
  • My rights and responsibilities
  • Asking for help

Pupils can recognise and celebrate their strengths and achievements, and set simple but challenging goals.
Pupils can recognise how they grow and will change as they become older.
Pupils can recognise different types of teasing and bullying, understanding that these are
wrong and unacceptable.
Pupils can identify the ways in which people and families are unique, understanding there has never been and will never be another them.
Pupils can judge what kind of physical contact is acceptable, comfortable, and uncomfortable
and how to respond.
Pupils know the difference between secrets and surprises and the importance of not keeping a secret that makes them feel uncomfortable, worried or afraid.

Year 3

  • My feelings
  • My body
  • My relationships
  • My beliefs
  • My rights and responsibilities
  • Asking for help

Pupils can identify their strengths and set aspirational goals for themselves, understanding how this contributes to high selfesteem.
Pupils know how their body may change as they grow and develop, how to care for their body and
celebrate their uniqueness.
Pupils can recognise a wide range of relationships, including the attributes of positive, healthy
Pupils can challenge gender stereotypes, understanding that there is not one way to be a boy, or
one way to be a girl.
Pupils understand the right to protect their body from unwanted touch.
Pupils can identify the difference between secrets and surprise, knowing when it is right to break
confidence and share a secret.

Year 4

  • My feelings
  • My body
  • My relationships
  • My beliefs
  • My rights and responsibilities
  • Asking for help

Pupils can recognise and respond to a wide range of emotions in themselves and others,
and ways to respond.
Pupils can reflect on how their body has changed and anticipate body changes, understanding
that some are related to puberty.
Pupils are able to judge what kind of physical behaviours and contact are acceptable and
unacceptable, and ways to respond.
Pupils recognise differences and similarities between people arise from a number of factors
Inc. family and personal identity.
Pupils know marriage is a commitment freely entered into by both people, and that no one
should marry if they don’t absolutely want to or are not making the decision freely for themselves.
Pupils can recognise when they may need help to manage a situation and have developed the
skills to ask for help.

Year 5

  • My feelings
  • My body
  • My relationships
  • My beliefs
  • My rights and responsibilities
  • Asking for help

Pupils can anticipate how their emotions may change as they approach and move through
Pupils can anticipate how their body may change as they approach and move through puberty.
Pupils can identify healthy relationships and recognise the skills to manage and maintain healthy
Pupils know the correct terms associated with gender identity and sexual orientation, and the
unacceptability of homophobic and transphobic bullying.
Pupils have strategies for keeping safe online; knowing personal information including images of
themselves and others can be shared without their permission.
Pupils have considered how to manage accidental exposure to explicit images, and upsetting
online material, including who to talk about what they have seen.

Year 6

  • My feelings
  • My body
  • My relationships
  • My beliefs
  • My rights and responsibilities
  • Asking for help

Pupils can recognise how images in the media, including online do not always reflect reality, and
can affect how people feel about themselves.
Pupils can explain what sexual intercourse is and how this leads to reproduction, using the correct terms to describe the male and female organs.
Pupils realise the nature and consequences of discrimination, including the use of prejudice
based language.
Pupils know some cultural practices are against British law and universal human rights, including
female genital mutilation (FGM).
Pupils have an awareness that infections can be shared during sexual intercourse, and that a
condom can help prevent this.
Pupils develop the confidence and skills to know when, who and how to ask for help independently, or with support.