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What am I going to learn in Mathematics?


During the summer term, the children will consolidate their counting skills, counting to larger numbers and developing a wider range of counting strategies as they work towards securing knowledge of number facts. They will move on to reviewing 2D shapes and exploring the idea that shapes can have other shapes within them. Composing and decomposing shapes can then be linked to partitioning numbers, so children understand that a number can be made up of different parts.

Year One

In the summer term, the children will build on their previous knowledge of addition within 10 by progressing from using a counting strategy to using known number bonds to derive answers to additions, including adding the ones separately from the ten, and also when to add by bridging 10. Next, the children will begin to get a greater understanding of addition and subtraction as being the inverse of one another as they revise previously taught methods and move on to a range of efficient subtraction strategies within 20. Geometry is the final unit of the year, where children will classify 2D and 3D shapes based on their properties. Children will learn to name the di­fferent shapes and identify the features that determine how they are classified.

Year Two

In the summer term, the children will focus on multiplication in the context of skip counting, equal groups, times-tables, multiplication sentences and scaling problems. Children will gain a solid grounding in equal groups and what this means, as well as how to recognise any groups that are not equal. Children will be introduced to arrays as a representation of multiplication, to highlight the commutative properties of multiplication. As well as calculating di­fferent multiplication sentences using equal groups, number lines and arrays, this unit introduces an equal parts bar model. The children are also introduced to word problems and language such as ‘times bigger’ or ‘twice as many’. Next, the children will be introduced to two methods of division (grouping and sharing), and how to calculate using these two different strategies. Children will learn the importance of equal groups when dividing, and how to distinguish between the number of equal groups and the number in one group. They will be introduced to the bar model to represent both grouping and sharing problems. Children will also make the link between division and multiplication facts. They will make generalisations between di­fferent division facts and fact families. Children will also build on their knowledge of dividing by 2 to explore what it means for a number to be even and odd. The children will use precise language to describe the properties of 2D and 3D shapes, and compare shapes by reasoning about similarities and differences in properties during the final unit of the year.

Year Three

In the summer term, the children will begin to interpret and write proper fractions that represent 1 or several parts of a whole that is divided into equal parts. They will find unit fractions of quantities using known division facts and reason about the location of any fraction within 1 in the linear number system. The children will also begin to add and subtract fractions with the same denominator, within 1. Next, the children will learn to recognise right angles as a property of shape or a description of a turn, and identify right angles in 2D shapes presented in different orientations. They will draw polygons by joining marked points, and identify parallel and perpendicular sides.

Year Four

In the summer term, the children will explore fractions greater than 1 and reason about the location of mixed numbers in the linear number system. They will convert mixed numbers to improper fractions and vice versa before adding and subtracting improper and mixed fractions with the same denominator, including bridging whole numbers. The children will then move onto geometry by drawing polygons that have coordinates in the first quadrant, and translate within the first quadrant. Next, they will identify regular polygons, including equilateral triangles and squares, as those in which the side-lengths are equal, and the angles are equal before finding the perimeter of regular and irregular polygons. The children will identify line symmetry in 2D shapes presented in different orientations and reflect shapes in a line of symmetry.

Year Five

In the summer term, the children will focus on geometry. They will compare angles, estimate and measure angles in degrees (°) and draw angles of a given size. They will also explore area and perimeter through the comparison of areas before moving onto calculating the area of rectangles (including squares) using standard units.

Year Six

In the summer term, children will learn to recognise when fractions can be simplified, and use common factors to simplify fractions. They will express fractions in a common denomination and use this to compare fractions that are similar in value. Children will then compare fractions with different denominators, including fractions greater than 1, using reasoning, and choose between reasoning and common denomination as a comparison strategy. They will also explore geometry and measure by drawing, composing, and decomposing shapes according to given properties, including dimensions, angles and area, and solve related problems.