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This week the children have begun learning their new sport for this half-term. 

Robins, Puffins and Eagles are beginning to learn about tennis. 

Doves and Penguins are working on cricket. Kingfishers are swimming

Canaries, Magpies and Owls are learning athletics. 

In the picture below you can see children from Owl's class who completed their long distance challenge.  All 3 classes from upper KS2 were challenged to run for 7 minutes without stopping. When the children passed those 7 minutes, they could stop for a breather. In our theory, part of the lesson we spoke about the important things to remember when running like breathing techniques, pace and stamina. The children in the picture ran for 31 minutes 7 seconds without stopping, which is phenomenal. 

In Penguins class, the children have started to look at what equipment is used in cricket, where it's played and it's origins. Once this theory was completed, then the children started some simple aiming activities with a partner. The children also learnt how to use a cricket bat correctly and find out which is their dominant hand in cricket. 



Here you can see the children from Puffins class learning about tennis. The week we focused on balance and coordination when using the tennis racket. When using the racket, the children were reminded to keep an eye on the ball and try to keep a steady hand. To start, the children did this stationary and just focused on keeping the ball still. We then moved to walking whilst having the ball on the racket. This proved slightly trickier.  



Eagles class today finished off their assessments with the COWA students before starting their tennis next week. In the pictures below you can see boxing, basketball, football and aiming skills.