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Kung Fu Panda 4 Cinema Trip 

On Monday 29th January, our new specific attendance incentive commenced for pupils.  The incentive will run for 7 weeks up to Friday 22nd March.  Every pupil who achieves 100% during this period will secure a place on the cinema trip. 

The actual visit to the Majestic Cinema will take place on Thursday 18th April.  However, all children who are successful will be notified before we break up for the Easter holidays.  This is definitely something for them all to work towards and look forward to. 

In other news, we are happy to report that last week two of our nine classes achieved the weekly breakfast reward and will receive their tasty breakfast of either pancakes or waffles this Friday morning.  Well done Penguins and Kingfishers!

Unfortunately, due to the high levels of absence last week caused by illness, there were no classes that achieved the weekly non-uniform award.  Our attendance figures for this week are already looking better!

Keep up the good work everyone and remember - to be a H.E.R.O - "Here Everyday, Ready On Time"