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Owls Class Achieve 100% Attendance.

On the 29th January we started a new pupil specific, 100% attendance incentive.  During the first week of the incentive, Owls class got off to a flying start with each of their 34 pupils achieving 100% attendance for the whole week.  The class have been rewarded with a non-uniform day which they have chosen to take this Thursday, 8th February.  On Thursday, the children are welcome to come into school wearing their favourite casual clothes, no uniform needed. 

Any class that achieves 100% attendance for a week is also given a choice from three additional attendance rewards.  Owls class have voted and have chosen to have an off-timetable afternoon playing games with their classmates.  Please remember to send your child in with their chosen game/toy.  No electronic games please. 

During the first week we are pleased to announce that only 10 of our 279 pupils failed to keep their place on the Majestic Cinema trip to see Kung Fu Panda 4.  There are still a further 6 weeks to go, giving every opportunity for the children to win their place on the cinema trip.  

In additional attendance news, we also had 5 classes win the weekly breakfast award.  These were - Doves, Canaries, Kingfishers, Magpies & Owls.  On Friday morning, the children in these 5 classes will all receive a tasty breakfast of either pancakes or waffles from the school kitchen. 

Keep up the good work everyone!