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Fantastic news - 5 classes win breakfast award with 4 classes winning non-uniform day award. 

The week commencing 5th February was a brilliant week for attendance. There were 5 classes that successfully secured the weekly breakfast award - Robins, Eagles, Doves, Penguins & Owls.  They will all receive their waffles or pancakes on the morning of Friday 16th February. 

Eagles, Doves, Penguins & Owls classes all went on to win non-uniform day, unfortunately Robins just missed out. 

Owls class will have their non-uniform day on Wednesday 14th February and

Eagles, Doves & Penguins classes will all have their non-uniform reward day on Thursday 15th February.

We would like to thank all of our families for their support during this half term.  We break-up for half term this Friday, 16th and would like to wish everyone a lovely half-term holiday.  We return to school on Monday 26th February.