Week Beginning 29.4.24
This term, Kingfishers are looking at Anglo-Saxon art and have created their own interpretation of an Anglo-Saxon brooch using the same techniques the Anglo-Saxons used.
This term, Kingfishers are looking at Anglo-Saxon art and have created their own interpretation of an Anglo-Saxon brooch using the same techniques the Anglo-Saxons used.
This term in science, Kingfishers are learning about plants. During their lesson, they explored plants and discovered their properties.
Kingfishers enjoyed our trip to St George's Guildhall to watch 'Baba Yaga' a traditional Russian tale.
For outdoor learning this week, Kingfisher's lesson was about different types of soil and what particles the different soils had in them.
Kingfishers class have been looking at relief sculptures and sculptures in the round during their art topic. They have created their own tile in relief.
During art, Kingfishers learnt about architecture. This week they looked at the Parthenon, a temple in Athens which was built for the Goddess Athena. They looked at the frieze which was created for Athenas' birthday. The frieze is in relief, which means the sculpture is raised above the background. Kingfishers then created their own design for a clay tile which they will create later.
Kingfishers have evaluated and finished their D. T unit of work. Here is their finished product.
The Kingfishers celebrated winning the termly attendance award. Woohoo!
This week Kingfishers wrote their poems describing what they thought the setting of Jubs forest would be like. They wrote out their drafts then cut out the lines and rearranged for maximum impact. They have produced some beautifully described poems to be proud of.
Kingfisher's Literacy
Kingfishers enjoyed some outdoor learning as a way of inspiring their literacy. They have been learning about the book's character Jub and her adventures in the forest. Kingfishers have been tasked with writing a descriptive poem about Jub's home in the forest. So they explored four of their five senses outdoors (we didn't let them taste them!). They will use this to inspire some descriptive poetry writing.
Kingfishers researched the life cycle of a frog during their computing lesson.
In their science lesson, Kingfishers wrote a report and drew a diagram of the stages of the life cycle of a frog.