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Weekly Catch Up

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  • Week Beginning 03/06/24

    Published 06/06/24, by Daniel Callaby
    This week on Tuesday,  all the children enjoyed the whole school trip to an event at Lynnsport which was put on by the College of West Anglia. All the students on the sports courses helped to creat over 18 different activities that chi
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  • Week Beginning 29.4.24

    Published 07/05/24, by Daniel Callaby



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  • Week Beginning 15.04.24

    Published 19/04/24, by Daniel Callaby
    This week the children have begun learning their new sport for this half-term.  Robins, Puffins and Eagles are beginning to learn about tennis.  Doves and Penguins are working on cricket. Kingfishers are swimming Canaries, Magpies
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  • Week Beginning 29/01/24

    Published 06/02/24, by Daniel Callaby


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  • Week Beginning 15.1.24

    Published 22/01/24, by Daniel Callaby
    This week has been a busy week with many different aims being achieved through all classes in PE. Our infant classes are working on basketball, focusing on fine and gross motor skills such as dribbling the ball. Each child thought about which
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  • Week Beginning 04/12/23

    Published 24/11/23, by Daniel Callaby
    Over the past half term, the children at Eastgate have been learning about gymnastics and what the word 'gymnastics' encompasses. In our dining hall, where our PE lessons take place there are two displays, one display is a guide for the child
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  • Week Beginning 6/11/23

    Published 13/11/23, by Daniel Callaby

    This week there have been lots of exciting things in the PE department. 

    We currently have Doves class attending weekly sessions at Lynnsport with the college students. Whilst there, the children take part in a range of activities. Some of the children were having boxing sessions while other children were taking part in a sending and receiving lesson. The children were trying to lengthen the distance between them and their partner to make it hard to throw and catch . They also used a range of equipment and discussed how the equipment changed the outcome.  




    Kingfishers class are currently doing gymnastics and seeing if they can expand on previously learnt knowledge to create a mind bank of work. We have so far learnt about a range of rolls including army rolls, tuck rolls, log rolls and teddy bear rolls. The children have also worked on gymnastics shapes including straddle, pike, tuck, arch and dish. This week the children have worked on a range of balances along with front and back supports.


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  • PE - 2.5.23

    Published 05/05/23, by Daniel Callaby

    Tennis lesson with Mr Bird.

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  • PE - 17.04.23

    Published 21/04/23, by Daniel Callaby
    Hi parents.  Welcome back. I hope you all had a lovely break. Just to clarify that all children will come into school wearing their PE kits. They will wear this for the whole day.  Below is the new PE timetable. All children will need
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