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Week Beginning 04/12/23

Over the past half term, the children at Eastgate have been learning about gymnastics and what the word 'gymnastics' encompasses. In our dining hall, where our PE lessons take place there are two displays, one display is a guide for the children to use if they become stuck and need a reminder, and the second shows what the children have created. 


KS2 pupils have created a knowledge bank of gymnastics that includes vocabulary, technical terms for gymnastics and important things we need to remember when doing gym for the rest of the class. 

Some classes have been learning how to transfer their shapes from floor onto apparatus. The level of difficulty increases here because of the height factor. However, children are encouraged to take risks and push themselves. Below you can see a straddle shape on the ladder and a one-point balance on the beam. 


In Kingfishers class, the children have been learning how to perform a range of rolls. Now they have learnt the rolls, the children have begun creating a sequence including their rolls and different types of travelling. Below you can see an army roll and a teddy bear roll.