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Week Beginning 29/01/24


This week the children have worked super hard in their basketball, OAA (Orienteering), hockey and fundamental skills in robins. 

Penguins class worked on orienteering this week and used maps to find their way around the school. A selection of flags with pegs on them were based around the school. Each peg had a different letter on it. Once all the letters had been found, each group had to work out what word the letters created. 


Puffins class recapped on their learning. Mr Callaby challenged the children to tell him what they had retained. As you can see below, the children could explain the skill they have learnt and what it should look like when demonstrating that skill. 

Owls and Magpies have now started to play mini-tournaments. Throughout the tournaments, the adults have been looking at what skills and techniques the children are applying to their matches. The children should be "push" passing their ball, using open spaces to create wide passes. The children should also apply force to the ball when trying to score. When playing matches, children must remember that although attacking the ball is important, defending your goal and keeping possession of the ball is just as important.