A huge well done to those children who received certificates for star of the week, presentation and handwriting awards, head teachers awards and free reader status. Keep up the good work!
Welcome back to a new term! The children have been working hard since their return, and it's been lovely to hear all of their stories from their break.
This half-term Canaries are swimming on a Wednesday morning for their PE lessons. Please ensure they have removed any earrings and bring their swimming kits with them.
In Literacy, the children are coming to the end of their module about The Snowman by Raymond Briggs.
Canaries have pulled their sentence stacking lessons together and read their stories to the class. They are now working hard to plan their independent writing of a story based on the snowman's perspective.
In maths, we have continued to work on multiplication skills. This week we are focusing on the grid method and will be using concrete resources (base 10) to help us work out the more difficult multiplication questions.
Our science topic will be based around living things and their habitats. Canaries have shown a great prior knowledge of life cycles and are able to use these skills in our science lessons.
In History, we are learning about the Translantic Slave Trade, and will be writing a diary entry later on in the week.
In Computing, we will be learning about coding, creating a catching game designed by the children.
Spelling tests have now moved to a Wednesday, and after the test the children will be given their new spellings. I will continue to send emails home, but if you would like a printed copy of the spellings please let me know.
Wednesday has now been booked for our library slot. Please continue to bring library books back on this day, so books can be changed.
Thank you for your continued support
Mrs Bussey, Mrs Gosling and Mrs Fyson.