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In Penguins, we have made it through the first full week of being year 4. We have been getting to grips with our new routines and what we are going to be learning this half-term.

We have started off with recapping some important knowledge that will help us this year.

In our literacy lessons we have been focusing on word classes and trying to write them and identify them in sentences. We are getting there, but there is always room for improvement! 

In our maths lessons we have been learning about fractions and how to find fractions of numbers.

In science, we have started learning about the human body. We learnt about cells and how together they make up the tissue in our bodies. We have also been learning about teeth and the different types we have.

Our history lessons have been about Ancient Greece and how democracy started.

In art, we have been learning about light.

We have had a super week, and we look forward to more learning next week!