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Penguins have been using the Glockenspiels!

In history, children have been learning about the Gunpowder Plot, who was involved and what happened to them. It was fascinating.

In maths, children have been representing fractions in different ways.

In literacy, the Penguins have been writing free-verse poetry to describe the city that Jemmy saw when he first arrived in England.

In science, the children have been building on their knowledge of the stages of the water cycle.

In Spanish, the children have been learning how to ask for an ice cream. 

In RE, Penguins have been learning about different parts of the Bible.

In music, Penguins have been recapping a song that they learnt previously and also following a tune on a Glockenspiel. They all did very well to remember the song!

In art, the children have designed their first cross-stitch pattern.