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Weekly Catch Up

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  • Week Beginning 8.7.24

    Published 10/07/24, by Claire Gosling

    It has been a busy penultimate week in Eagles class, we have finished some of our topic work. In DT, we have completed our rocking boat rides. The children learnt many new skills during this, especially tying knots by themselves, which will help them to tie their own shoes as they grow, too!


    Early in the week, was our sports day. All of the children practised really hard, and had a fantastic time showing off their sporting skills! Thank you to all of the families who were able to join us.

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  • week Beginning 24/6/24

    Published 27/06/24, by Claire Gosling

    A very successful week in Eagles class this week. Congratulations to these students who have all passed another stage on their multiplication. Please continue to practice at home.

    In Maths this week we have been learning about 3D shape. We have explored vertices and edges in more detail, using sticks to create 3D shapes of our own and practicing explaining our shape.

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  • week Beginning 10.6.24

    Published 12/06/24, by Claire Gosling

    This week Year Two have completed their end of year tests. We are extremely proud of all the children who have given it their very best efforts.

    On Wednesday, it was time for the long awaited Church Farm trip! The children have been counting down the days for over a month and were understandably very excited to go. Here are some pictures from our day together:

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  • Week Beginning 3.6.24

    Published 06/06/24, by Justina Snow

    Phew a busy week for the Eagles class.

    We have continued our Maths learning on 2d shapes and have been exploring patterns.

    We have also started to learn about Northern Europe in Geography and Astronomy in Science. Our first lesson was about the Sun and the Solar System.

    Tuesday was a brilliant day, taking part in the Lynnsport day.  We played lots of different sporting team games and had lots of fun together.

    We have been practising our Spelling and Grammar, as well as continuing with our Phonics.

    Please practice your times tables and reading at home.



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  • week Beginning 20.5.24

    Published 23/05/24, by Claire Gosling

    This week in Eagles class we have been learning:

    Maths: we have been working on shape. This week we focussed on learning about lines of symmetry and enjoyed finding these in Outdoor Learning.

    Literacy: We have been focussing on our spelling, punctuation and grammar skills this week. We will continue this after half term. You can help your child at home: if they write a sentence check it starts with a capital letter and ends with a full stop.

    Art: we have finished our mural this week! We are so proud of the children's efforts. Please see below:


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  • week Beginning 13.5.24

    Published 09/05/24, by Claire Gosling

    Spring has truly sprung this week, and Eagles' class are enjoying the better weather! Please can you send your child in every day with a sun hat and water bottle, especially as these warmer days (hopefully) continue.

    This week we have been learning:

    Literacy: we are writing our sequel to the 'Magic Finger'. The children have used their imaginations wonderfully, and we have had families turned into birds, deer and even wild rabbits!

    Maths: we are learning about 2D and 3D shapes. Please help your child to recognise these shapes in and around your home.

    Science: we continued our learning about materials and matter.

    Art: we are using wool to add features to our mural. This week has involved weaving, creating twisted cords and making pom-poms. All of these are new skills and have been challenging!

    Times tables: all of the children have impressed us this week by improving their scores. Please continue to help your child practise.

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  • week Commencing 29.4.24

    Published 02/05/24, by Claire Gosling

    It has been a busy week in Eagles class, and we are all thrilled to see some sunshine!

    Literacy - we have been planning our own versions of the Magic Finger. The children have been very imaginative with the magic the girl might use - we have families turned into foxes, rats and even chickens!

    Maths - we have finished our work on fractions this week. Next week we are learning about shape. Please help your children by discussing the shapes you can see around you.

    History - we learnt the story of Malala, a young girl from Pakistan who wanted all people to be entitled to an education.

    RE - We investigated what it is like to visit a gurdwara.

    Art - We continued making our mural by printing mixed materials to make seaweed.

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  • Week Beginning 22.4.24

    Published 24/04/24, by Claire Gosling

    This week, Eagles class enjoyed some different learning experiences. Finally, the weather was kind enough to us (only just!) and we ventured out to the Walks on a nature hunt. It was wonderful to hear the children using their new vocabulary:

    'That's a deciduous tree, Miss Snow!'

    'Can you see the buds growing on that tree? Does it stay green all year, is it evergreen?'

    We also spotted a jay bird, something many of the children and some of the adults had not seen before.

    In Literacy. we have been reading 'The Magic Finger' by Roald Dahl and have been recreating the scene where the Greggs have just turned into ducks.

    Then, during art, we had a go at printing our own designs of fish onto paper. We are working as a class team to create a mural, and look forward to showing it off once it is finished.

    In History, we have been learning about Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King.

    In Science, we have started learning about Materials and Matter.

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  • Week Beginning 15.4.24

    Published 18/04/24, by Claire Gosling

    This week, Eagles have started learning new topics.

    Literacy - we are reading the story of 'The Magic Finger'. The children are really enjoying this story and there have been many giggles over the antics of the girl with the magic finger!

    Maths - we are looking at fractions this week. You can help at home by halving and quartering snacks with your child.

    Science - we are learning about materials. Here we are exploring materials:

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  • Week Beginning 11.3.24

    Published 14/03/24, by Claire Gosling

    Eagles have worked hard this week!

    Literacy - we have finished reading Rapunzel, and used our imaginations to think about how we could trap the Witch. Next week we are writing our own versions of the story.

    Maths - we have been looking at dividing, by sharing objects into equal groups. This has been tricky for us, but we have worked really hard.

    Geography - we have used our knowledge of maps to find Ireland and locate the capital city, and local landmarks.

    Science - we have continued our learning about plants by conducting an experiment. Pop back next week to find out what happened to the plant in the cupboard!

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  • Week Beginning 4.3.24

    Published 06/03/24, by Claire Gosling

    Spring has begun to appear this week and the children have enjoyed spending some time outside. In Science, we have continued to learn about plants, and next week we will be going on a local visit to explore which plants grow in our local area.

    In Literacy, we have continued to learn about Rapunzel. We were thrilled to have a visit from Rapunzel this week, although she looked a little bit like Miss Snow...

    Then, on Tuesday afternoon, we created potions imagining we were the Witch. We really enjoyed shrinking Mrs Gosling, and making her grow again, giving her super speed and a friendship potion too!

    In Maths, we have started learning to multiply. We are using equal groups to multiply and beginning to look at division too.

    In DT, we have enjoyed tasting 'dippers' after much discussion on which foods we think would make a good 'dipper'. There were many fabulous suggestions, and when tasting, we all agreed the tortilla chip and the pepper were our favourites!

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  • Week Beginning 12.2.24

    Published 14/02/24, by Claire Gosling

    Eagles class had an exciting visit this week from HSBC bank. Danielle and Willow came to teach us all about money - we really enjoyed the lesson and looking at the huge debit card! A huge thank you to HSBC team for their fantastic support.

    In other news, this week we have been learning:

    Maths: all about money!

    Literacy: we have finished our instruction writing. After half term we are learning about Rapunzel.

    History: we have finished our learning about the Tudors.

    Science: we have finished learning about electricity, next half term we will be learning about plants.

    R.E: We have finished learning about beginnings and endings. We enjoyed planning an end of year celebration this week.

    Art: we finished our learning about portraits. After half term we will be learning Design Technology, looking at dips and dippers.


    We also welcomed Mrs Bate, a student teacher who is joining Eagles class until Easter.

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