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week commencing 9.10.23

Eagles class have had a busy week this week.

In Art, we have finished our cut out compositions, inspired by Henri Matisse. Mrs Gosling was particularly impressed with the careful way the children placed their shapes, some of them making patterns and others designing scenes such as a sunset.

In History we have learnt how the Romans changed Britain. We turned into news reporters and gave a Newsround report to our friends about this.

In Literacy, we have discussed repeating language. The children were experts at finding language which they recognised in stories such as 'once upon a time'.

In Maths we have been looking at subtraction. Some of us have looked at the relationship between 2 and 20, and some of us have practised subtracting within 20. Everyone has worked exceptionally hard! We have also revised looking at the order of numbers. We counted how many letters in our name, and then found someone with less letters, and someone with more.


Please remember to read every night with your child, and bring your book to school each day.