This week, Eagles have started learning new topics.
Literacy - we are reading the story of 'The Magic Finger'. The children are really enjoying this story and there have been many giggles over the antics of the girl with the magic finger!
Maths - we are looking at fractions this week. You can help at home by halving and quartering snacks with your child.
Science - we are learning about materials. Here we are exploring materials:
In History, we are learning about powerful voices through time.
In RE we are exploring different places of worship. This week we thought about which places are special to us and why. Some examples include:
'The beach'
'The kitchen, because it's where all the snacks are'
'My house, I love being at home with Mummy'
'School, I like learning'.
Please remember to read every day. In year two we are all trying hard to learn our 2, 5 and 10x tables, you can help your child by asking them questions and watching times tables videos.
Eagles class team.