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Exciting Attendance update!

Spring Term Attendance Reward Winners

Friday 31st March was the last day of our spring term.  We held our attendance reward's assembly and there were 86 pupils who achieved 100% attendance for the entirety of the spring term, together with 56 pupils who achieved between 97 & 99.5% attendance.  All the pupils who achieved 100% were entered into a prize draw to win from a selection of 15 fab prizes, including 3 laptops. 

During the week commencing 27th March, there were 5 classes who achieved 97% attendance by Thursday morning's registration.  These classes were Puffins, Kingfishers, Penguins, Canaries & Magpies; they will all receive a tasty breakfast this Friday morning of either pancakes or waffles. 

We have a termly attendance leader board in our assembly hall and each week this is updated with the positions of each class' attendance level.  The class in 1st position at the end of the term wins a reward from a choice of 4 options.  OWLS class were our spring term winners.  The class will be choosing their reward during this week. 

There were also 3 classes during the week commencing 27th March that completed the week with attendance levels over 98%, and they have been rewarded with a non-uniform day.  Puffins, Kingfishers and Magpies are all invited to attend school this Friday, 21st April, wearing casual clothing. 

And finally, our Majestic Cinema attendance incentive came to an end on the 31st March with a fantastic 136 pupils achieving 100%  for the qualifying period.  These pupils were all informed of their success in our assembly on Tuesday morning and their trip to the Majestic Cinema will be arranged very soon.   Visit our website for regular attendance updates.