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Kingfishers, Puffins & Eagles - Attendance news.

Puffins, Eagles & Kingfishers win attendance rewards for w/c 01.05.23

By Thursday morning last week Puffins, Kingfishers & Eagles classes had all achieved 97% attendance and have won our weekly breakfast reward.  The tasty treat of either pancakes or waffles will be delivered to their classrooms this Friday morning. 

Kingfishers class then went on to achieve 100% for the week and have been rewarded with a non-uniform day which they will have tomorrow.  As they achieved 100% they have also won an extra reward of a movie afternoon.  Tomorrow Kingfishers' class are invited to bring in sweets/snacks to enjoy whilst they watch the movie with their classmates.  Well done everyone.  Keep up the good work.