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Attendance news

Robins, Kingfishers & Penguins win attendance rewards.

This week the breakfast reward winners are Robins, Kingfishers & Penguins classes.  They had all achieved 97% or above by Thursday morning's registration.  Each class will receive their tasty breakfast of pancakes or waffles on Friday morning. 

Kingfishers then did fantastically well and went on to achieve 100% attendance for the whole of last week.  They will be rewarded on Friday 26th May, with a non-uniform day and an off-timetable afternoon to watch a film.  All the children in Kingfishers are invited to bring in their own sweet treats & snacks to enjoy during the film.  Well done Kingfishers!

This week also saw the start of our next 

Majestic Cinema Attendance Incentive.  

Each child who achieves 100% attendance between 22nd May to 7th July inclusive, will be rewarded with a free trip to the Majestic Cinema to watch a newly released movie.  The last time we ran this incentive, there were 147 pupils who managed to achieve 100%, and they all thoroughly enjoyed their trip to watch The Super Mario Bros. Movie.