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Attendance News

The Penguins class achieved 100% attendance & six classes won breakfast awards. 

During w/c 29th April, the Penguins class had a fantastic week with their collective attendance. They achieved 100%!

Six classes also achieved the weekly breakfast award - Puffins, Eagles, Kingfishers, Penguins, Canaries and Owls.  These six classes will all receive their tasty reward breakfast on the morning of Friday 10th May. 

Well done to all the children in Penguins for their efforts and, for their reward, the children are invited to attend school this Friday, 10th May, wearing casual clothing. No uniform is required.

The class carried out a vote today and have chosen an extra reward of a film afternoon. 

On the afternoon of Friday 10th May, the children in Penguins will enjoy a film and can bring in snacks from home (e.g. popcorn, crisps, sweets, etc.) to enjoy whilst they watch the film. They can also bring in a drink,  but this should not be a fizzy drink and any drinks provided should be in a plastic and not a glass bottle.

This achievement has bumped the Penguins class up on our termly attendance leader board from position 7 to position 3. Well done Penguins!  The Puffins class are currently in the lead. 

The Despicable Me 4 attendance incentive is well underway.   As we head into week 3, there are 222 pupils in the running.  Keep up the good work everyone.  Our current year to date attendance for the whole school is 96.24%.