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Attendance news

Five breakfast reward winners & a class of 100% attenders!

Last week saw our Robins, Doves, Kingfishers, Magpies & Owls classes all achieve 97% or above by Thursday morning's registration.  The five classes will all receive their tasty breakfast from the school kitchen this Friday morning. 

The Magpies class had a fantastic week with each pupil in the class attending every single day and achieving 100%.  Excellent effort Magpies!  For their reward, the pupils in Magpies are invited to attend school this Wednesday, 22nd May, wearing casual clothing. No uniform is required.   

When classes achieve 100% attendance, they have a further choice, of 3 available rewards.  For their additional reward, the Magpies class have chosen to have an off-timetable afternoon playing games, and we invite the class to bring in their choice of non-electronic games/toys for this Wednesday afternoon. 

The Despicable Me 4 attendance incentive is now into its 5th week, and we are happy to report there are still 207 pupils who have currently secured their place.   Well done everyone, keep up the good work.