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Attendance News

Success for Six!

We are really pleased to report that last week there were six out of our nine classes that were successful in securing attendance rewards.  Puffins, Eagles, Kingfishers, Penguins, Magpies & Owls.  A massive well done goes to these six classes.  They will all be rewarded with our special sweet treat breakfast, alongside their usual breakfast, on the morning of Friday 7th February.  Dinky Doughnuts will be this week's treat. 

Eagles, Kingfishers, Owls & Magpies classes then went on to achieve over 98%  for their weekly attendance.  The four classes have all been rewarded with a non-uniform day.  Eagles, Kingfishers & Magpies classes will take their non-uniform day this Friday, 7th February, with Owls taking their non-uniform day on Thursday 6th February, so as not to clash with their P. E lesson on Friday morning.  On their specific day, the children should come in to school wearing casual clothing - no uniform is required. 

Today marks the start of our pupil's specific attendance reward to win a visit to the Majestic Cinema to see the Minecraft Movie. We wish all our pupils the very best of luck. 

Keep up the good work everyone.