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Academy Councillors and Trustees

Eastgate Academy is part of the Eastern Multi-Academy Trust and the Academy and its Academy Council Member Body are responsible to the Trust’s Board of Directors.

The Trust’s Trustees can be found here.

Annual Reports and Accounts

Annual reports and accounts for Eastgate Academy and Eastern Multi-Academy Trust can be found here.

Academy Councillors

Governors for Eastgate Academy and their attendance records can be found here.

Our register of business and pecuniary interests can be found here.

If you wish to see a copy of the academy council meeting minutes please ask at the school office.

Our Local Academy Council members

Richard Brown - Chairperson
Trust Appointed 

From a background of secondary Headship and now educational consultancy, I joined the Eastgate Academy Council member Body in January 2017. Although the bulk of my career involved older students, I have always understood the importance of those primary years in education and am pleased to have an opportunity to make a contribution.

Linda Hothersall

I am the Principal at Eastgate Academy, having worked here for over five years.  I have lived and worked in Norfolk for nearly twenty years in different primary schools both teaching and as a Deputy Head and a Headteacher. I believe strongly that we should provide the best opportunities that we can for all pupils who attend Eastgate and our Local Academy Council Body supports and challenges us in achieving this.


Louise Gayton
Trust-appointed Academy Council member

Our chairman can be contacted via Eastgate Academy.  I work in Local Government and have done so for over 10 years; within this, I am involved with the trade union.  I live and work in King’s Lynn and so the community is very important to me, not least because I have two small children myself, one of whom attends Eastgate.  I became an academy council member because I’m passionate about learning both in and out of school.

Peter Young - Parent Governor

Guy Pyle - Trust Appointed


  Bridget Hart - Trust Appointed
  Emma Stevenson - Parent Governor

Penny Folkard
Clerk to Academy Council 



Academy Council Member Vacancies


Academy Council Meeting Dates


For further information on our Trust's governance please click on descriptions below:

EMAT Trustees

EMAT Annual Report and Accounts

EMAT Academy Council Members

EMAT Register of Interests - Academies